Colorado Vascular Access Network

The Ultimate Hands-On Wound Care Clinical Lab

CE Information
6.25 contact hours
Completion Time
6 hours, 18 minutes
Available Until
May 9, 2025
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Wound Care
Clinical Topics
Wound Care

In healthcare facilities across the country, billions of dollars are being spent annually on the treatment of skin care and wound management. You are on the front lines of providing care to patients with a variety of skin and wound conditions, and play a critical role in patient outcomes and your facility's reimbursement for services. There is no better way to learn all of the skills you need to provide state-of-the-art care for your patients than through Hands-On Clinical Labs. Watch this highly interactive training and learn wound care assessment skills by DOING!

Through the use of wound care teaching models, wound care expert, Ann Kahl Taylor, will teach you proper wound assessment techniques. The Hands-On Clinical Lab will add a hands-on component to learning that will enhance your retention of skills and techniques covered. Practice identification, measurement and the applications of various products on life-like wound care models. These models provide a life-like simulation to allow for improved assessment of a wide variety of commonly-seen wound care presentations, including all stages of pressure ulcers, tissue types, undermining, tunneling, fissure and surgical dehiscence.

Take your understanding of wound care to the next level with this interactive clinical lab. Purchase today!

Wound Assessment Strategies

  • Tissue types/wound bed evaluation
  • Necrotic tissue, granulation, hyper granulation, agranular
  • Phases of wound healing , chronicity
  • Factors impacting wound healing
  • SKILL: Techniques for accurate wound measurements

Top Down Skin Injuries

  • MARSI Medical Adhesive Associated
  • Skin Damage
  • MASD Moisture Associated Skin Damage
  • IAD-incontinence Associated Dermatitis
  • ITT-Intertrigo
  • Skin Tears
  • SKILL: Support periwound protection

Pressure Injuries

  • Demystify staging
  • Prevention: What have you overlooked?
  • Risk assessment
  • Treatment and dressing selection
  • SKILL: Executing the risk assessment

Lower Extremity Wounds

  • Arterial, venous, neuropathic
  • Differentiate etiologies
  • Appropriate therapies
  • SKILL: Practice compression wrapping

Fistula and Ostomies

  • Types of diverion
  • Pouch Selection
  • SKILL: Pouch application

Strategies for Topical Dressing Selection

  • Dressing selection process – samples to compare
  • When is gauze appropriate?
  • Essential toolkit items:
    • Cleansers
    • Debridement options
    • Gels, collagen
    • Absorptive products, foam
    • Antimicrobial, silver
    • Heavy drainage versus minimal
    • Large area wounds
    • Dress difficult locations, tracts and undermining
  • SKILL: Select dressing protocol for various wounds

Learning Objectives

  • Distinguish at least 6 tissue types found in chronic wounds.
  • Identify and differentiate at least 4 wound etiologies.
  • Compare and contrast 6 terms used to document peri-wound status.
  • Demonstrate accurate measurement and documentation of wounds, tunneling and undermining, according to the clock method, using a wound teaching model.
  • Identify and categorize at least 7 dressing types, including the indications for use, precautions and contraindications.
  • Develop an appropriate dressing/ treatment protocol for a wound, based upon exudate, wound status, and products discussed.


Ann Kahl Taylor
Ann Kahl Taylor MS, RN, CWOCN®

Ann Taylor, MS, RN, CWOCN®, created Kahl WOC Consults in 2002 to provide wound care and legal consults across the care settings. With over 20 years’ experience as a specialty nurse in wound, ostomy and continence nursing, she has vast experience to reduce risk of legal exposure through incorporation of current wound management trends and protocols. Ann’s commitment to clinical excellence and patient outcomes is evident by her committee work with the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society. She has also served on the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Certification Board, most recently on the nurses certification board on the certification exam committee. As an author, Ann has over 20 clinical wound abstracts and has created numerous policies, algorithms and guidelines for use in practice. Additionally, her practice in the legal consulting arena is busy and continues to grow.

CE Information

This activity offers 6.25 contact hours to attendees.

Accredited by ANCC.


Financial: Ann Taylor is the owner of Kahl WOC Consults. She receives a speaking honorarium and recording royalties from PESI, Inc. She has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.

Non-financial: Ann Taylor is a member of the National WOCN/SER WOCN (Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurses Society) and of the WOCN Certification Exam Committee.

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