Virtual Vascular Access Challenge: May 20th, 2021 @1800
Posted almost 4 years ago by Marybell Bernhardt
Are you ready to show off your team's Skill? JOIN US for COVAN VIRTUAL VASCULAR ACCESS TEAM CHALLENGE! All you need to do is join the virtual meeting on the 20th and then use your phone to play the game! The INVITE and directions for the CHALLENGE will be sent in a separate email to those who sign up. The CHALLENGE will consist of questions from NEW INS Guidelines and really anything Vascular Access related so be ready !!!
Pull out your cellphone and film a short 30sec-1min video of you/your team performing a vascular access skill related to any INS/CDC Guideline and submit your video with the question that you's like to be included in the challenge. Questions can be in T/F or multiple-choice format. (Video can be doing something correctly or incorrectly. (At least one member of the team needs to be an active COVAN member to participate)
The winning team will receive ONE entry to AVA 2021 in Orlando FL and PIZZA for your team.
Entries are Limited to sign-up ASAP!
Contact COVAN BOARD members Keri or Har for any question and to solidify your skill topic selection before someone else does...
Keri Banister (c) 303-489-9322 or Hart Freeman (c) 859-492-3157